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Good Habits from Professionals in Dentistry for Children in Marietta

By the age of five or six, children’s baby teeth typically start falling out according to the order in which they erupted. For some kids, this is a cause for worry. That’s why in hope of relieving their kids’ apprehension, some parents tell them the myth of the Tooth Fairy. However, is doing so helpful or not? writer Kim Grundy attempts to shed a light on the matter.

“Even when your child is developmentally ready to know that the tooth fairy isn’t real, media psychiatrist and bestselling author Dr. Carole Lieberman says it is soothing for kids to keep the tradition going.

“Parents should never stop the tooth fairy tradition — even once your child gets old enough, sophisticated enough or cynical enough to stop believing in fairies,” says Dr. Lieberman.”

The decision on whether to propagate the myth or not is completely up to the parents, of course. However, instilling good habits in their kids with help from professionals in dentistry for children in Marietta can be a good approach to consider if parents intend to lessen their kids’ worries about dental issues. This way, the little ones are made aware of the importance of oral health care. Here are some tips to help parents out:

Make the dental hygiene routine fun

The last thing kids want is for parents to make brushing teeth seem like a chore. Thus, to avoid this, parents can instead turn it into a fun activity so their kids are inspired to participate. Parents can choose a plethora of songs that their kids can hum along with as they brush their teeth. A popular choice is Ode to Joy from the Muppets.

Provide them with fun toothbrushes

Kids will hardly be encouraged to brush their teeth as needed if they only have mini-versions of adult toothbrushes. What parents can do instead is to provide them with colorful toothbrushes or those with designs of their kids’ favorite cartoon character.

Give reminders on brushing immediately after drinking sodas or eating sweet treats

Sweet treats like the Southern Pecan pies and tarts are bestsellers in most bakeries in Marietta, Georgia. Parents with kids who love such desserts should make sure to remind their kids to brush their teeth immediately after eating these. Doing so will help kids avoid plaque and tartar.

Some parents have a hard time getting their kids to pay attention to dental health. However, getting the kids started on good dental hygiene will benefit them later in life. Parents can depend on a trusted pediatric dentist in Marietta like Dr. Brent Herrin of Herrin Pediatric Dentist to help them set their little ones on the right path to optimum dental health.

(Source: Is the tooth fairy actually good for kids?,, January 10, 2014)

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